Men’s Bible study the 3rd Saturday of each month
9:30am in the church fellowship hall.
Ladies Bible study every Tuesday fr0m 9:00am -10:45am
in the church fellowship hall.
August 12thPower of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian 7:00pm in fellowship hall
August 18th:  Back to school night of worship 6:00pm
August 19thPower of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian 7:00pm in fellowship hall
August 25th:  Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian 7:00pm in fellowship hall
August 28th:  Vision team meeting 5:00pm.  Business meeting 6:00pm
September 8th:  Kids back to school bash following AM service until 2:00pm.  All students going into pre-k through 6th grade invited.  Bring a towel and change of clothes.
September 8th-15th:  Georgia Barnette Louisiana Missions Offering week of prayer
September 15th:  Deadline to turn in all items for the Baptist Friendship House and Baptist Children’s Home,  Contest between Sunday school classes for non-perishable items only.  There will be a surprise for the winning class.
Anyone willing to volunteer in the nursery
or Kidz Zone (children’s church0 during the AM service
please contact the church office 985-748-7135.