We are believers Crucified with Christ, Compelled to make disciples of Christ, who are daily being Changed for the Glory of God.
First Baptist Church Amite desires to glorify God as we exalt Christ corporately in worship, through small group discipleship, and personally. We simply want Jesus to be lifted up by our lives.
First Baptist Church Amite exist to make disciples who make disciples. Our church provides Biblical instruction, accountability and encouragement so that families and individuals have what they need to make disciples within their homes and neighborhoods.
First Baptist Church Amite is engaged in the community for the purpose of sharing the Gospel. We refuse to hide away in a “Holy Huddle”. We consider it a privilege to share the life changing message of the Gospel.
Biblical Authority
We believe the best way to learn the Bible is through context and centrality. For this reason our pastor typically preaches through books of the bible verse by verse and book by book. We believe this enables our church body to learn the biblical truth in the context of a particular book, so that it can be applied to our lives today. Expositional preaching seeks to exposit the biblical truth, explain it and apply that same truth to the hearers. It minimizes the personal opinion of the preacher and provides authority to the message.
Christ Exalting Worship
We believe that Jesus Christ is the person our worship is directed towards. We believe prayer, biblical exposition, singing songs, public reading of scripture, responsive readings, the playing of instruments, giving, and observance of the ordinances (Lord’s Supper and Baptism) are all a means of corporate worship. Our worship style is primarily contemporary. We seek to focus our hearts attention on the lyric that we sing as opposed to the style by which it is presented. We simply want to be sure that every aspect of our services point to and celebrate Jesus.
Small Group Discipleship
We believe small group discipleship is a vital part of a person’s walk with Christ. We encourage all believers to get plugged into a small group Bible study. It provides encouragement, accountability, and friendship. Our small groups typically journey through a book of the Bible together. We have small groups available for every age group @ 9:00 a.m. every Sunday morning.
Evangelistic Engagement
We believe evangelistic outreach is the heartbeat of all we do. We seek to glorify God by sharing the Gospel with people. It is our desire to mobilize ourselves locally, within North America, and Internationally for the purpose of advancing the Gospel and seeing people saved by God’s grace.
We accomplish our vision and mission by
Expecting the Holy Spirit to move within us and among us as we pray in desperation.
Experiencing the beauty of serving from gifts and strengths instead of guilt and weaknesses.
Expanding our influence through incorporating new ideas and enlisting new leadership.
Extending our Gospel witness through developing partnerships and deploying servants.
We hope this helps communicate who we are and our intentional direction. We provide this information for you so you can get a “snap shot” of who we are and where we are headed. If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information please contact our church office @ (985) 748-7135